CCTV, road cameras, surveillance cameras are numerous and create a huge flow of video coverage. The majority of the collected data is not interesting and rare events such as violence, break ins, border crossing, weapons, vandalism, crowds are of high interest and should be flagged quickly. The majority of surveillance companies today are limited to querying each camera one by one and a huge amount of human effort is wasted on watching thousands of video hours in case of an incident.
Visual Layer platform runs on prem, builds global view of the visual data including a deep understanding of the normal vs. the outliers. Defense analysts can define visual and textual rules capturing subtle behavior and allow them in near real time to issue alerts. Our platform scales to petabytes of video, allowing real time object search, finding multiple viewpoints of the same object in different cameras.
Discover how AI can surface critical patterns and anomalies in surveillance footage, improving decision-making and operational safety.